Don Kirkman wrote:
> [Follow-up set to]
> It seems to me I heard somewhere that pinecone wrote in article
> . com>:
> >I have to side with Chung--he belongs to a religion that encourages
> >wearing one's religion on one's sleeve, so to speak. He would not be
> >true to his faith if he did not prosyletize to everyone he comes into
> >contact with. Although I find born-agains tiresome, I've studied their
> >faith and understand that this is a key element--endless evangelizing.
> No, he belongs to a small minority within the entire Judeo-Christian
> community.
The Trinity is indeed a minority albeit a minority that possesses all
the power and glory :-) It remains my choice to be the bond-servant of
the LORD and to continue to walk with Him.
> Proselytization, broadly interpreted, is **sharing** one's
> beliefs and the reasons for them, and most religionists are able to do
> that without confronting, affronting, demeaning, ridiculing, or
> otherwise mistreating those whom they would "save."
It remains my choice to obey GOD and fulfill His purpose for me here,
which is to inform. It is LORD Jesus Christ, Whom I love with all my
heart, soul, mind, and strength, Who saves.
> Chung's behavior in
> these newsgroups does not rise to that standard.
In your opinion.
Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other things
like cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest you here next
For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how the Lord has reshaped me:
In Christ's love always,
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist
Suggested Reading: