Nancy Dooley wrote:
> Gary > wrote in message >...
> > > you may actually use. However, cookware you lived 20-30 years without will in
> > > all probablity after all your toil reviving will never get used and end up back
> > > in the same storzage boxes. Bottom line is you give no indication of which
> > > pieces you have so I can't give you any indication of which pieces are worth
> > > considering for reviving.
> >
> > Do the truly old and sturdy ones have any antique or collector value?
> >
> > Gary
> Search for "Griswold" on Ebay - there was a "pre-Griswold Erie"
> skillet on last week - almost 12" across and nearly 3" deep - went for
> $165. Collectors go for certain ones with certain logos.
> N.
Speaking of large skillets, I've seen some that are HUGE; at least 24" across. Are
those rare? They seem to be most prevalent in wagon trains and old west cookery (but
they are great for Ostrich or Emu eggs!).
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