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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Pickles, Anyone?

In article >,
MW > wrote:

> So, after I picked my cukes this late summer, I put them in large jars
> with salt water as per the Ball Blue Book (maybe a bit more salt than
> they indicated) and added some vinegar. I then stored them in my
> basement (about 60 degrees down there), and removed the mold that
> formed on top and kept the jars topped off with vinegar, as well as
> adding more salt over time.
> When the mold stopped forming, I didn't do much else (except keep the
> liquid level high with vinegar). They have been in these brining jars
> for almost 4 months.
> Is it still possible for me to de-salt them and make pickles, or are
> they pretty much ruined?
> Thanks,
> Mike

I think you've already made pickles. :-/
How do they taste?
--, updated 11-9-05 finishing in four
parts the trip report from our vacation time in San Francisco
for Nephew Pat's wedding last weekend.