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maxine in ri
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Default OT - Damsel and Crash Stuff

On Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:07:42 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> connected the dots and wrote:

~Crash is out of the hospital. His goal was today, and he did it!
~I had lots of time to ponder Life while he was in the hospital. I
~have been re-evaluating my priorities. I need to make family, home,
~and personal growth my focuses at this point in time.
~Love you guys! Take care of yourselves and keep in touch if you want
~to. I'll stick around for a couple days, then will be embarking on
~yet another sabbatical.
~Huggles and smoochlettes,

Great news! Here's good wishes for a speedy recouperation, and lots
of good times.

maxine in ri