Thread: This Week's Pie
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Default This Week's Pie

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:

> I pack a sack lunch for the DH on work days when he doesn't have court
> or client/lawyer lunch and I try to make a pie or other dessert every
> weekend. Today I made one of his favorites: pecan pie. Thought I would
> post it, as it's an absolute dead easy, slam dunk, never fail pecan
> pie:
> @@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format
> Pecan Pie
> desserts
> 1 baked pie crust
> 6 tablespoon unsalted butter; cut into one inch pieces
> 1 cup dark brown sugar; packed
> 1/2 teaspoon Salt
> 3 large eggs
> 1/4 cup light corn syrup
> 12 ounces pecans; whole
> 1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 275°. Melt
> butter in medium heatproof bowl set in skillet of water maintained at
> just below simmer. Remove bowl from skillet; mix in sugar and salt
> with wooden spoon until butter is absorbed. Beat in eggs, then corn
> syrup and vanilla. Return bowl to hot water; stir until mixture is
> shiny an dhot to the touch, about 130°F. Remove from heat.
> 2. Arrange pecans in an even layer in the baked pie shell. Pour
> mixture over evenly. Bake until center feels soft, like gelatin, when
> gently pressed, about 50 to 60 mins. Transfer to rack; let cool
> completely, at least 4 hour. Serve pie at room temperature or warm
> with lightly sweetened whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
> Contributor: The Best Recipe
> Yield: 8 servings
> Preparation Time: :30
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA
> "If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
> old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
> waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
> -- Duncan Hines
> To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"

Here's something that adds a nice touch to any pecan pie recipe. Take a
1/4 cup of salted butter and chip it up on the top of the pie. Bake as
normal. Once you've tried it, you'll do it every time.