"Bob (this one)" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "Bob (this one)" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>"Pandora" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>It is a radish. It is very good and pretty sweet. We fry it and eat
>>>>>with eggs for example.
>>>>>Here is the photo of topinambur
>>>>>Have you got this plant in America?
>>>Yes. They came from America originally.
>>>It's called "Jerusalem Artichoke." The name is probably a corruption of
>>>the Italian word "girasole," so named because of the big flowers that
>>>appear to follow the sun, like a sunflower (to which they are related).
>>>Also called "sunchoke."
>> Ohhh! "Carciofo di Gerusalemme"!!!! But if they come from America, why do
>> you call them"Jerusalem..."?
> Jerusalem is a corruption of girasole.
>> It's funny! Thank you Bob!
>> And do you like it? How do you eat it?
> Like potatoes. Mashed, fried as chips. Raw in salads.
When you make them like mashed potatoes, how do you do? Do you boil them
> Pastorio