Sheldon wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
>>Sheldon wrote:
>>>kind of internet NEWBIE low life LYING guido scum can make you ashamed
>>>to be Italian.
>>Don't push it. LOL
Right. LOL. Very funny stuff. LOL... Cheer him on, Goomba. LOL. Maybe
he'll say more about Italians. LOL...
Oh, look. He's saying more about Italians...
> Okay, let's put it another way... you know how the guido maffioso types
> are a blight on their lansmen, well he's the proverbial loud mouthed
> blustery buffoon, can actually envision his wild gesticulation in his
> long winded rants... the immature schmuck never learned that gross
> verbiage signifies gross insecurity, when ya don't know what you're
> jabbering about take a few phrases out of context and drown em with
> quantity. He truly epitomizes a guido, with some luigi thrown in.
Well, Goomba baby, we can certainly see where your hero Sheldon
restrained himself. Boy, when you say, "Don't push it," he snaps right
to attention and does exactly what you say. No more anti-Italian stuff
from him. Nossiree. Sheldon shows his warm and caring side.
You're a fine pair, the two of you. He talks vile ugliness and you LOL.
If you're indeed of Italian extraction as your name implies, you're the
target waving arms to make sure the shot is accurate. Idiot...
Together you don't have the IQ of one subnormal human.