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Default Kids and drinking

Sylvia wrote:

> > I don't think habituation or addiction to alcohol has everything to do
> > with early experiences.

> On that we agree. I believe there is also a genetic and a cultural
> component -- your young friends who had wine with dinner, were they
> European? If the culture is that a glass or two of wine with dinner is
> acceptable but getting drunk is unacceptable, that's the pattern they
> are likely to develop.
> Wyoming has a horrible problem with drunk driving deaths and the
> legislature keeps trying new laws to get rid of drunk driving. I am
> absolutely sure that until we change society's attitude from "I'm so
> drunk, let's go drive to Jack's house and play pool" to "I'm so drunk,
> let's take a cab to Jack's house and play pool" our drunk driving
> problem is going to remain awful.
> --
> Sylvia Steiger RN, homeschooling mom since Nov 1995
> Cheyenne WY, USDA zone 5a, Sunset zone 1a
> Home of the Wyoming Wind Festival, January 1-December 31
> Remove "removethis" from address to reply

I wonder if Wyoming's (Cheyenne's) drinking problem has anything to do with
having the nation's largest liquor "super market"??? )


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