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Default Kids and drinking

cristina wrote:

> Gary wrote:
> > I beg to differ. Whenever I drink even a small cup of expresso, I get
> > a definite buzz from it that lasts for hours. Maybe you ate thinking
> > of cappuccino or something else that's mixed with other things, but
> > not the expresso *I* know.

> The espresso that I have here in Italy is what I am talking about and yes it
> has less caffeine per serving. I think a lot of it is that we have been told
> over and over again by advertisers and coffee shops that espresso will give
> you that jolt so we (Americans) believe it and it becomes mind over matter.
> Funny thing, when my Italian friends need a quick wake up they make American
> style coffee.
> Cristina

But, I had no such presupposition about it when I went there, and had never even
heard of espresso beforehand. I just knew that if I had a long shift at the
radio station, a large glass of espresso WOULD keep me wired and wide awake for
the duration. )


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