Thread: My favorite tea
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Michael Plant
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Default Rats!!!/Phoenix Bird Oolongs [was: My favorite tea]

Alex digy.net11/14/05

> Funny how including rats as a vitamin C source never really took off in
> British Navy. Could have eliminated scurvy and improved protein intake
> together with one sweep.
> Sasha.

Hi and Hey,

Yes, you'd have thought those rats would have been in steady supply. Not
sure how the vitamin C would hold up through the cooking, though; on the
other hand, who said anything about cooking, right?

Why don't mice have much problem with the vitamins B either? I'd tell you
but there might be children present, or other types of perverts, and I
really don't want to start yet another flame war, this time about decency.

I'm drinking a Ye Lan Xiang this morning,this one a more stemmy than average
Phoenix, with leaves less heavily veined than what I have grown used to,
indicating to me that the trees whence they came are younger. The taste is
mildly fruited, which I like better than the heavily fruited types; and the
taste of this tea is not as soft as some others, which is an observation of
a stylistic difference, not a criticism: It isn't harsh or rough. I have
taken it happily through six steeps using seven grams of tea to four grams
of off-the-boil water -- I might normally use more leaf to water if I had my
gaiwan handy. Tea comes from Silk Road Teas (<>), and a
very nice tea it be.Tea is greener than many, but in this regard typical of
SRT's Private Reserve Phoenix Bird Oolongs. Perhaps due to this greener
production, it tolerates longer steeps quite well. (Normally, I'd use grs
tea to ozs water at 3:1 ratio, with immediate steeps -- quickish dunk for
the first five or six steeps -- but a minute or two here is quite OK,
especially after the third or fourth.)

Anyone out there playing with Phoenix Bird Oolongs whose experiences are
similar or different?

