Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I apologize for not acknowledging your message, Sheldon. My sister was
> here with a boatload of questions about this, that, and the other ---
> all consecutively, and then I broke the pepper shaker to my dishes and
> had ground pepper all over hell and gone. I love her and I'm glad she's
> home. Then I forgot about your info after I found my Second Avenue
> Cookbook. Not an excuse, but an explanation of how it got lost in my
> mental shuffles. Sorry. I haven't looked at any of the links yet.
No problem, it's not easy being Jewish! hehe
> > I wouldn't recommend toasting kasha in the oven, you got lucky, this
> > time.
> Funny you say that. That's about what I was thinking, too. I've a
> feeling that if they'd been in there for only another minute, I'd have
> been pitching them because they were burned. NO off flavor at all - God
> watched out for fools and middle-age muddlers.
Next try toasting on the stove top, much less chance of burning and
with the stirring they toast more evenly
> I think I'd have had better flavor if I'd used butter; Margaret
> explained to me why they probably don't use butter - the laws of
> kashruth (sp?) Did you look at my pics? My onions were really nice.
> I'm thinking mushrooms wouldn't hurt, either.
> I just came from the supermarket with a small box of Baby Bella
> mushrooms. I might cook some of those and work it into the dish.
I use butter. I don't worry about laws, if it tastes good I eat it.
Mushrooms are good, just quarter them and toss in with the hot water...
they need no prior cooking.
Read through the material I sent.
I like more kasha than varnishkas, why I use the entire box... plus I
really like kasha and can eat it every day... it also freezes well, but
I don't ever remember freezing any, never lasts long enough no matter
how much I prepare. Often I don't bother with the bow ties, then I can
easily finish the entire box in oh, two servings.
Kasha goes best with braised brisket w/gravy, and thick creamed spinach
like they made at Horn and Hardart, Garfields, or Dubrows... now why
can't I find that recipe.