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Lew Bryson
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Default Worst Winter Beers (So Far)

"jazzkid" > wrote in message
> my, my i didnt realize how many know-it-all snobs are in this group!!

See, if you'd read the NG for a while before commenting, like USENETtiquette
recommends, you'd have KNOWN how many of us know-it-all snobs there were.
Let that be a lesson to you.

> in my blog i gave an email addy for any opinions and corrections,
> but i guess you opted to blasting openly instead....

You come to the NG, you post on the NG, you take your licks on the NG. What
do we owe your blog?

> as for the accident of calling the winter lager and ale..well...
> i imagine you're one of the people who blasts people for
> misssssppeelllling words as well...

Seems a bit more solid than that.

> for the bud coment, i corrected (happily) that its rice they use
> and the name that was stolen
> (i must have mistken that from the fact that ALOT of homebrewers use
> corn sugar while bottling.

Sure. Anheuser-Busch IS just a big homebrewer. You should go to St. Louis
sometime and see all the 5-gallon carboys they use, it's just fecking

> the article is to educate the average uneducated consumer,
> not to dispute it with know it all beer snobs.

1. You're doing the average uneducated consumer no favors.
2. Once again: YOU came HERE. Disputing with know-it-all beer snobs is all
we do, and we're damned good at it. After fifteen years, we oughta be.

> if anybody has CONSTRUCTIVE critisizm, just tell me, dont through out
> yer
> hollier than though ****ed off slams..corrections? always welcome as it
> says on the web
> page....just please make sure to play nice and give references so i
> know its not just an
> know what they say about opinions right!!

Constructive criticism. You mean where we make suggestions on how to improve
your "artical"? Okay, here's some.
Use punctuation, it really does help people to read your writing.
Use a spell-checker; plenty of programs have them; they help, too.
Organize your thoughts a LOT more; once again, makes it easier to read, and
if you're truly interested in educating the average consumer, it makes it
easier for them to learn. A lot easier than if you simply puke what you
think you know all over the screen in any order at all.
If you feel you don't have time for this stuff, why should the reader have
any time for you?

That's all editing, and since I am an editor, I guess I'm my own reference.
If you don't buy that, pick up pretty much any text on journalism.

As for what you said about beer, you really were wrong more often than you
were right. Don't believe everything you hear, don't believe everything you
read. A lot of it's bunkum. For instance, didja know that Budweiser is made
using all whole-flower hops, not pelletized hops or extracts? True, I've
been in the hop stores of two different A-B facilities and seen it. Didja
know that the so-called "real" Czech Budweiser was actually first brewed in
1895, almost 20 years after A-B's Budweiser? True, even the Czechs admit it
(the whole story of what's REALLY gone down with "Budweiser" is a lot more
complicated than almost every account you'll read on the Web).

Fact is, beer's pretty complicated stuff. But it's also just a glass of good
drink. So good that people get pretty passionate about it. I've been very
interested in the beer I'm drinking since 1981: April of 1981. I've made my
living in the beer industry since 1995. And the one thing I know for sure is
that there is ALWAYS more to learn, and there is often room to improve one's
knowledge. And you'll never do that by rushing into a group of people you've
just met and mouthing off about how damned much you know.

It looks like you're just getting excited about beer, maybe a few years into
it. That's great, and I'd hate to dissuade you. I don't mean to. Truth is, I
got smacked around some when I first got here back in 1994. But if you take
advantage of what you can learn here, you can learn a lot. The folks on the
NG know a lot about beer. Use it. Or don't, and write for yourself. Your

Lew Bryson

"As for talking shit in this NG, Lew, you're the undisputed king, and
that's no SHITE." -- Bob Skilnik, 1/31/02