In article >,
Ward Abbott > wrote:
> On 16 Nov 2005 16:07:01 -0800, wrote:
> >I'd call it a marinade.
> Thank you.
Not to start up any "word wars" or anything, but I don't
see the presence/absence of stock [of any kind] as having
anything to do with a soaking liquid being either brine
or marinade. Brine is basically "water+salt+<optional
other flavorings, sometimes including acidic fruit juice>"
And in my take on things, "marinade" is oil+acid+<optional
other flavorings, usually including salt>. That may not
match anyone else's definition; I just note it to show
where I'm coming from.
I don't usually use stock in either brining or marinating,
but if I did, it would be only a case of "what the hell,
let's add this, too..."