In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> By all means. If they're old enough to go to school, then they're old enough
> to pick up their own things. Tell them if they don't, then their things are
> going bye-bye.
That's how we do it. First chance is when we ask them to deal with
it (they are supposed to do it on their own). Second offense
consequence of the toy/game going away for a week. Third offense, and
they go away permanently, either to the basement, or we take them to
Goodwill or the hospital waiting room.
However, the OP made me think I was reading about my life at the
moment. I wait until the kids are gone to cull through the toys in the
playroom, as we just have too many in the house, and if they are here
they will try to rescue everything.
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13