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Default Butter Beans: What do they look like?

Christine Dabney wrote:
> Okay folks,
> We were chatting on the chat channel, and we started talking bout
> butter beans. I grew up in VA, and I had them all the time. To me,
> they are smaller than a lima, and a pale green. And they stay that
> way when they are cooked. Boli agrees with this description of them.
> Others in the discussion say they are much larger, and tan. Or buff
> or khaki colored.
> I have never seen butter beans like that...
> For those of you who know about butter beans, what is your description
> of them?

Yoose all have extremely limited cerebral retention.

For yoose six digited spawn of incest, within less than a couple three
months, once again....

lima bean [LY-muh]
This New World bean was named for Lima, Peru, where it was found as
early as 1500. There are two distinct varieties of lima - the
Fordhook and the baby lima (and Fordhooks are not adult baby limas).
Both are pale green, plump-bodied and have a slight kidney-shape curve.
The Fordhook is larger and plumper than the baby lima. It also has a
fuller flavor than its smaller relative. Fresh limas are available from
June to September. They're usually sold in their pods, which should be
plump, firm and dark green. The pods can be refrigerated in a plastic
bag for up to a week. They should be shelled just before using. Frozen
lima beans are available year-round and are labeled according to
variety (Fordhook or baby). Canned and dried limas are usually labeled
"jumbo," "large" or "small," a designation that relates to size and not
variety. _In the South, dried limas are frequently referred to as
butter beans._ When mottled with purple they're called calico or
speckled butter beans . A traditional way to serve limas is with corn
in SUCCOTASH. They're also used alone as a side dish, in soups and
sometimes in salads. Lima beans contain a good amount of protein,
phosphorus, potassium and iron. The lima is also called the Madagascar
bean .

© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD
LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
