Christmas question?
"Debbie" > wrote in message
.. .
>>> Big Breakfast early
>>> Gigantic Xmas dinner about 4:00.
>>> Leftovers and more dessert about 10:00.
>>> Comatose sleep till New Years Eve morning
> I used to do the big breakfast, big dinner thing. A few years ago I got
> smarter (IMO) and now have our large dinner on Christmas Eve. We have a
> large breakfast.. and the rest of the day eat finger type foods and
> left-overs. I find it much calmer and relaxing allowing me time to reflect
> on the cause of the holiday and visit with family and friends without the
> rush.
> Debbie
Because of all the houseguests usually another 6 to 8 adults Xmas eve is Italian
Deli cold cut buffet time -
A nice do-it-yourself antipasto, salad, sandwich buffet.