Butter Beans: What do they look like?
audet wrote:
> In New York State, where I was born and lived as a child, butter beans were
> tan and always either dried or canned. In Virginia, where I have lived for
Butter beans and lima beans are exactly the same thing... but only in
the south are they refered to as butter beans. In NY State they are
lima beans. When my grandparents retired from the delicatessen
business they moved to the Borsht Belt, bought a 100 acre farm and
built a bungalo colony on a small portion but on the vast majority of
those acres they farmed lima beans. My cousin and I would play in the
huge barn amongst the thousands of burlap sacks of dried limas, mostly
we had slingshot wars, beans were excellent ammo. But one day (as boys
are apt to do) we decided to stuff lima beans up our noses... hey,
whoever could stuff more was more manly... needless to say I ended up
at the only country doctor for miles where I was laid out and held down
by two zoftig women on an old fashioned wooden ironing board to have
those beans tweezed out from my sinuses with long scary forceps...
happened well over 60 years ago but I'll never forget... seems that
from since birth I was always being held down by zoftig women so my
face was scrunched in their cleavage... no wonder I have major issues
with bosom fetishes. I guess there could be worse psychoses.
Sheldon Elsie