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Default Unsalted Butter Left Out. Is it Safe?

Bob (this one) wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> I went food shopping and forgot to put the unsalted butter in the
>>> rerigerated. It sat for about 7 hours in 75F temperature before I
>>> discovered it and put it in the refrigerator. Is this butter safe to
>>> eat and will it retain it's taste?

>> Absolutely. I use a butter bell with just cool water to store it
>> and it's just fine.

> For my lazy tastes, the butter bell adds fussy labor to a task that
> needs none. Unless your house is up over 90°F

Which, if I lose electricity during summer storms (obviously not this time
of year!) it can be...

>a plain butter dish with
> a cover will do the job just as well. Butter takes a long time to
> spoil, and that spoilage is rancidity which won't harm you, in any
> event.
> Couple weeks won't hurt it.
> I leave butter out on my counter in a June Cleaver-looking stainless
> steel covered butter dish that I bought at a yard sale. The butter
> "ripens" and the flavor becomes more complex and interesting.
> Pastorio

That butter dish sounds neat
