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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Unsalted Butter Left Out. Is it Safe?

In article >,
"Bob (this one)" > wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
> >
> >>I leave butter out on my counter in a June Cleaver-looking stainless
> >>steel covered butter dish that I bought at a yard sale. The butter
> >>"ripens" and the flavor becomes more complex and interesting.
> >>

> > You are SO full of shit, Pastorio!!! It's why I love you! LOL! PMP!

> Duh. Of course I am. But my butter tastes better than yours because
> -what happens? - it ripens. I keep the backups in the fridge, but the
> butter in use (or about to be in use) goes into the covered dish and
> sits out. Been doing it that way forever. Spreads better, melts better
> into the pasta, toast, nuked broccoli, etc. and the taste evolves.
> Y'oughta try it once. No bacteriological issues, only rancidity and that
> won't happen for weeks.
> Pastorio

Rancidity, etc. doesn't worry me - I grew up in one of those homes that
the food police would shut down today. You wouldn't believe the stuff
Mom left out. I get the spreading part, but you're not going to
convince me about the ripening and enhanced flavor. Nuh-uh., I don't
care WHAT Wayne says - he's as nuts as you are! "-)
--, updated 11-19-05 - Shiksa Varnishkes.