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Bob (this one)
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Default Unsalted Butter Left Out. Is it Safe?

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>I leave butter out on my counter in a June Cleaver-looking stainless
>>>>steel covered butter dish that I bought at a yard sale. The butter
>>>>"ripens" and the flavor becomes more complex and interesting.
>>>You are SO full of shit, Pastorio!!! It's why I love you! LOL! PMP!

>>Duh. Of course I am. But my butter tastes better than yours because
>>-what happens? - it ripens. I keep the backups in the fridge, but the
>>butter in use (or about to be in use) goes into the covered dish and
>>sits out. Been doing it that way forever. Spreads better, melts better
>>into the pasta, toast, nuked broccoli, etc. and the taste evolves.
>>Y'oughta try it once. No bacteriological issues, only rancidity and that
>>won't happen for weeks.

> Rancidity, etc. doesn't worry me - I grew up in one of those homes that
> the food police would shut down today.

Didn't we all.

> You wouldn't believe the stuff
> Mom left out. I get the spreading part, but you're not going to
> convince me about the ripening and enhanced flavor. Nuh-uh., I don't
> care WHAT Wayne says - he's as nuts as you are! "-)

Of course there's no convincing about flavor until *after* you taste. My
question is why does it so distress you? Try it. Put some butter out in
a covered container (glass, glazed ceramic or stainless) for a few days
and taste it side by side with the stuff in the fridge. Have others try
it, too. You know it won't hurt you. No significant bacterial action
gonna happen. What's the downside? It'll taste different. Better.

If you don't like the taste, use it as a, um, lubricant.

No, seriously...
