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Default Unsalted Butter Left Out. Is it Safe?

Dave Smith wrote:

> I always get unsalted butter. I used to get it to have on hand for
> recipes that called for unsalted but usually ended up using it for other
> things to use it up. I developed a preference for it. I don't use a lot
> of butter and usually just keep in on a covered dish on a counter. It
> may be out for a week or more before it is used up. It has never gone
> bad.

Add me to the list of those who leave out (covered) the unsalted butter.
Always. I've even left eggs at room temperature for short periods of time
(up to a day or so); I know the source of my eggs, however, else I'd *never*
take the risk.

We Americans *are* a bit too "fridge-conscious," in addition to being
germ-phobic. One must build up one's immune system.

"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"