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Default Butter Beans: What do they look like?

Elaine Parrish wrote:

> Thanks, Scott. That's interesting info. I've always wondered how people
> figured out what they could eat and what they couldn't. I saw a facinating
> documentary on mushrooms. The guy went out into the woods and pointed out
> the "good" ones and the "bad" ones and told why. But somebody had to eat
> them to find out which was which. geez. I wouldn't have wanted to have
> been in that lottery!
> Elaine, too

Nor I, Elaine. We've got a mycologist in the family; if *he* sez a
mushroom's good, I'm there!

Back to er, um, BEANS for a moment: Have any of you all had Lady Cream Peas?
Little white, tender beans, grown, I believe, in Texas?? They're a real
treat, 'specially with the aforementioned ham and cornbread.

"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"