Butter Beans: What do they look like?
Sheldon wrote:
> Elaine Parrish wrote:
>> We grew a lot of limas. My grandfather planted them with the "sweet
>> corn" and they grew around the stalks near the ground. Talk about
>> your Succotash! I always loved (and still do) limas. But that
>> crawling around on the ground under the corn to pick them gave me
>> the creeps. It was always cool and shaded so the snakes loved it, as
>> did other creeping, crawling things. booowaaah. Still makes me
>> shiver to think of it.
> An absolute lie... lima beans wouldn't grow well enough to produce in
> the shade of corn.
> Got any more bullshit stories?
> Lima beans are not easy to grow even under the best of conditions,
Really? Is that why I, as an 8 year old girl, was able to grow lima beans
in a small patch of earth in Virginia? Damn, I must be one hell of a