Turkey: Tom or Hen
Dave Smith wrote:
> Turkeys tend to produce about three times as many hens as toms.
Naturally you can offer better proof than imbecilic Elaine.
Actually with avians the percentage of male to female production in the
wild is darn close to 1 : 1. There is much info on the net regarding
this topic. With domestic birds for food production, such as turkeys,
farmers have tried to manipulate the sex ratio with temperature and
hormones but to no avail, the population stays darn close to 1 : 1.
Also, large turkey farmers that raise turkey for consumption either buy
their chicks (poults) or incubate eggs but typically do not produce
eggs, instead they purchase fertile eggs from farmers who just breed.
They definitely do not wish to lose any so turkey farmers who proudce
marketable turkey refrain from attempts at artificial population
manipulation... I mean they can kill off a certain percentage of poults
as soon as they can be sexed. duh Hens mature for market at about 15
weeks, toms at about 20 weeks. Production of both sexes is very close
to equal.
If you search <turkey raising> you will be amazed at what's available.
Btw, did you know that turkeys possess a significantly higher IQ than
I have wild turkeys living on my property (100s), I can confirm that
the mix of males to females is purty darn equal. But, not all males
actually mate. The related males (those of the same mother) will work
as a team to round up the females but only the dominant male gets to
mate while his brothers stand guard to keep other males away and to
cheer their brother on... only the toms can make the gobble sound,
which can be heard for a mile. Don't believe, look it up, every word
is true.