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Elaine Parrish
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Default Butter Beans: What do they look like?

On 19 Nov 2005, Sheldon wrote:

> Elaine Parrish wrote:
> >
> > Yes, Sheldon, I understand that, for the last 10 years, every time there
> > is a topic you wish to address, you run to the internet, Google, and copy
> > and paste what ever it says, and post it to the group.

> You're lying already and it's only the very begining of your fercocktah
> diatribe... there was no Google ten years ago... LIAR!

hehe. You are right. You didn't Google. You went to Archie and FTP'ed.
Then you progressed to whatever search engine was of the moment. I must
commend you on evolving. It's the only evolution you've made in ten years.

> Educated folks cite varifiable references to back up their claims, have
> you never read a professional journal... Elaine, you are obviously
> uneducated.

hahahaha. That's a good one.

This is a newsgroup, my dear Mr. Hyde. The premise is that people come
together to share experiences. We all have access to the internet search
engines and to encyclopedias. We're not writing a scholarly paper here.
We're sharing experiences and empirical research.

Have you ever written a scholarly paper, Sheldon? I'm not trying to be
bellicose, Sheldon - just curious. You seem to put such stock in research
and cites, but you don't seem to have a personal body of knowledge or any
empirical research. You quote some very good information sometimes, but
you never seem to contribute any empirical information or personal
experiences relating to this group's topic. Admittedly, I usually skip
your posts these days because the fine Dr. Jekyll posts seem to be few and
far between the Mr. Hyde rantings. I don't care for your Mr. Hyde persona,
but have, and probably will, continue to defend your right to have it. You
said once, a long time ago, that you were an honorable man. I found that
to be true in Dr. Jekyll, but I don't ever see any honor in Mr. Hyde or in
Cujo, the devil dog. Is honor only a part-time endeavor?

You say that I am uneducated because I don't quote cites. Would you
consider a person educated simply because he/she quoted cites? I would not
make that assumption. It seems that you think educated people are better
than those that are not educated. Is that true?
Is one a better person if one holds a degree? And, better still if one
holds a higher degree? Is that the true measure of a man (or woman)?

In what field do you hold a degree, Sheldon? Again, I'm not trying to be
bellicose, just curious.

What if I held a degree, would your statements that using
cites would prove education and that I am uneducated because I don't cite
every post be false, and therefore, you'd be wrong? Would you then amend
your statement to say something else, which on its face, would invalidate
your original statement? Do you have a cite that supports either of your
statements? You can't talk about lima beans without a cite, because
"Educated folks cite varifiable references to back up their claims", but
you claim that " Educated folks cite varifiable references to back up
their claims" and that I am uneducated because I don't, without any cite
at all. So, which are you, Sheldon, educated or uneducated?

> <snipped mass verbiage>

> Elaine, the fact that you need so much verbiage to say nothing, and
> certainly nothing you can back up other than with your own hot air
> proves you're truly a mental midget as well as having severe
> psychiatric issues.

haha. Well, at least I can write excessive verbiage without running out of
vocabulary and resorting to paragraphs of curse words, gutter language,
and junior high tatics. So I'd say that in the world of mental midgets, I
am taller than you are.

"Nothing" often lies in the eye of the beholder.
When one has nothing with which to see, one often sees nothing.

I do defer to you on the matter of psychiatric issues. I've never known
anyone with as much first-hand, personal experience from the inside out as

> The only good reason for the the use of the expression "butter bean" is
> to distinguish the six fingered southern trash from normal folks.

I encountered some of those kinds of people when I lived in North Alabama.
It was extremely odd to see people with six fingers or six toes or webbed
fingers. I've seen a few oddities in my life. I think my experiences with
six fingered southern trash served me well since I met you. Gross oddities
aren't always external.

Were you born with this Jekyll/Hyde personality or do you just play
one on the internet? I'm not trying to be bellicose, really, Sheldon. Is
it something you choose? If so, why? You've been so consistent over the
years, that it seems hard to believe it is not real. That must be a
difficult way to live. You seem so angry and defensive most the time.
I'm sorry for you.

Elaine, too