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Bob (this one)
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Default Unsalted Butter Left Out. Is it Safe?

Mark Thorson wrote:
> "Bob (this one)" wrote:
>>Put some butter out in a covered container
>>(glass, glazed ceramic or stainless) for a few days
>>and taste it side by side with the stuff in the fridge.

> That's not a fair test, because you're comparing
> warm to cold. Either test it after letting the
> refrigerated stuff come up to room temperature,
> or test it after the left-outside-for-a-few-days
> stuff has cooled in the refrigerator for several
> hours (like overnight).
> Temperature can have a huge effect on flavor
> perception.

That's precisely my point. That the unrefrigerated butter used as is and
the refrigerated butter used as is provide very different flavors and
mouthfeel. And that the "ripened" butter stored out of a refrigerated
state will taste better both immediately, and when compared to chilled
butter permitted to warm.
