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Default Crawfish for breakfast !

In article e.starr>,
EastneyEnder > wrote:

> Pan Ohco wrote:
> > OHHH Crawfish quiche. Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

> Little known fact - the American crawfish (you know, those mudbugs that
> infest the bayous) have somehow escaped into the English countryside and
> adapted... possibly through escaped aquaria collections.
> They are not only adapting but eating all our smaller native crawfish
> (crayfish here) species. If you catch one of these big red monsters, you are
> not legally allowed to throw it back.
> So a few weeks ago, a friend turned up at my door with a dozen live
> US-species UK-adapted crawfish, as a gift... caught in a Surrey pond.
> Result.... I had 12 mini-lobsters in my shower cubicle for a few days as I
> didn't have anywhere else to put them. Every time someone visited the
> bathroom to relieve themselves, these thing would wake up and start
> skittering around in there going "clack clack clack clack"... Those big
> snapping claws gave one of my male friends quite a fright and connected
> directly to an archetypal castration complex.
> It was several days before I could pluck up the courage to murder them by
> throwing them into boiling water, even though my trips to N'awlins have
> taught me that they are better than prawns/shrimp.
> My neighbour plied me with several bottles of South African white, and
> finally, at about 3.30 am, I found the right time to cook them.
> If someone could work out how to farm them here, I think they'd catch on,
> but I'd probably be beheaded by AR activists before they'd had chance to
> realise cold English mud is just as good as warm Louisianan.....
> At least my male friend can now pee in comfort when he visits.
> Sue
> ----------
> Pendragon fancy rats & hamsters
> Pendrake rabbits
> Portsmouth, Hampshire, England UK


Great story, thanks! ;-D

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson