Oleg -
I fully understand your attempt to know as much as you can about that tea.
However, after years of taking the wrappers seriously (I do read some
Chinese) I gave up after I saw how wrappers are sold on a teamarkets in
Yunnan. By hundreds! All types and of all factories.
So now when I buy something from my friend Roy at ITC and he tells me that
he bought that puerh himself from a factory warehouse I am almost sure that
what it is (there is a possibility that they fool Roy too). However I do not
really care anymore because I learned to like what I like and buy as much of
it as I can as soon as I figure out that I like it and not be too hang up
about the wrappers.
Here in Nevada once in a while I buy great fresh Fangcha in a teashop that
has no idea what they sell (they get this as a new product under the name
"Mongolian Tea" In reality its ???? . Nothing Mongolian about it.
"Oleg" > wrote in message
Dear all,
First I would like to thank rec.food.drink.tea members, especially pu
erh related, for posting here since this group was one of the
inspirations for my interest in pu erh! And now it's a great source of
new pu erh related knowledge.
I would appreciate your help in indentifing two cooked pu erhs I have.
I was looking for some info about them for quite a long time but to no
First one is 100g Beeng Cha, so called "plum emdossed cake"
which seems to be the same as the one at ITC website
However ITC dosen't indicate the factory and year of production

can read ???????? on the wrapper which again just
almost useless, just "good quality pu erh cake with plum flower"

was told that my cake is 8 years old which I tend to believe but can't
be sure. My cake dosen't have any wrapper.
The same for the second one which is 50g Fang Cha
Again I was told that it is one year old, but no factory information.
Goes in polyethlene wrapper
Thank you so much though I understand that there might be not enough
information to tell anything.