OMFG>>> Roast duck
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> >> I'm having a heart attack. The S.O. just called. He's getting a
> >> duck. He says it's big. A roasted duck as an Xmas gift. I am
> >> dancing...
> >
> >
> > Roast duck is one of my favorite meat victuals, the only thing I like
> > better is a good rack 'o lamb...hmmm I think I'll make it for when I
> > have a "football Sunday" at my place...some dumplings, some red
> > cabbage, gravy, maybe even some mashed parsnips ;-p
> >
> > It's rich too so you don't have to eat a boatload of it to sate yer
> > taste cravings (exact opposite of turkey)...
> >
> The parsnips are a given. The only issue I have is haulilng it 200 miles.
> Michael
> --
> ...Bacteria: The rear entrance to a cafeteria.
> All gramatical errors and misspellings due to Ramsey the cyber kitten. He
> now owns all keyboards and computing devices in the household and has the
> final say on what is, or is not, posted.
> Send email to dog30 at charter dot net
You'll figure out a way to haul that duck! How could you *not*??!? You are
one very lucky fellow.
Now I'm thinking duck for Christmas, too . . .
"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"