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Edwin Pawlowski
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Default Sauteeing scallops for 20 minutes !!??

AT wrote:
> I just saw a "chef" on the cooking segment of the local news making
> vanilla scallops. He sauteed the poor things in butter, oil and
> vanilla extract for 20 minutes. One of the anchors tasted the dish
> and said "Mmmmmmm, it's really nice, kinda sweet." She said nothing
> of the texture, though. It must've been like eating hockey pucks!
> Yuck.

Unless they cook tener afdter a time. Calamari is like that. Either do it
very fast or very long and it will be tender. In between it is like eating
a rubber band.

I've never heard of long cooking time on scallps though. Nor am I going to
try it at $10 a pound.