In article >,
pennyaline > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > . . . is a very nice accompaniment to the Thanksgiving and Christmas
> > cookies. I will bring the turkeys and the cornucopii (I made that up)
> > to the frozen northland later in the week where Small Child (she is
> > nearly FOUR - how CAN it be?) and I will decorate them. OK, I'll
> > schmear the frosting and she will sprinkle the sprinkles, except that
> > most will wind up in her tummy. I have about 18 cookies for us to do
> > then.
> >
> > The other cookies (stars and and angels and peoples) will go into a tin
> > in the freezer for decorating later on, closer to Christmas.
> >
> > The cookies are exceptionally tasty this year. The wine is pretty good,
> > too, considering it's red. I've got mine over an ice cube. My second
> > glass is tasting pretty good, but my shoulders kind of ache. Help me,
> > Mama. :
> Yup, the Beaujolais this year are darn good... for glorified grape juice
> that they are!
> I look forward to the Nouveaus every year. Some are disappointing,
> others are so-so, and the rest are fresh-fruity and food-friendly. I
> haven't tried them with cookies, however, but friendly is friendly, right?!
Hows the hell would I know? I've had 3/4 olf the bottle and can cbarely
see straight. I'm goihgnn to bed. I've heard this is supposed to be a
good year - and I don't know diddlbyt about any of it. My shoulders
don't ache any more. My visions is getting kind of funky though.
--, updated 11-19-05 - Shiksa Varnishkes.