Beaujolais Noveau. . .
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Beaujolais Noveau. . .
In article >,
(Glitter Ninja) wrote:
> Nathalie Chiva > writes:
> >I bought a bottle of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau this year. So
> >disappointing Every year I find the stuff less and less of a wine I
> >want to drink. I guess it means I drink too much really good wine ;-)
> I haven't bought any Beaujolais Nouveau because I'm not a fan of sweet
> wines (
Beaujolais Nouveau is sweet? Someone forgot to tell them. Light and
fruity I'd agree with but I wouldn't say sweet. OTOH, what do I know
about it?
> Stacia
, updated 11-19-05 - Shiksa Varnishkes.
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