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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Beaujolais Noveau. . .

In article >, (TammyM)
> > I've had 3/4 olf the bottle and can cbarely
> >see straight. I'm goihgnn to bed. I've heard this is supposed to be a
> >good year - and I don't know diddlbyt about any of it. My shoulders
> >don't ache any more. My visions is getting kind of funky though.

> Lush!
> TammyM

Not yet, but I'm considering taking it up. Not! I have more fun when
I'm sober than most people do when they're drunk. OTOH, I am a fun
drunk rather than a mean one. There's still about a glass left in the
bottle. Rob wanted me to finish it last night but I would have had to
get out of bed to do it and it seemed like too much effort to expend.
--, updated 11-19-05 - Shiksa Varnishkes.