Beaujolais Noveau. . .
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 06:42:10 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Nathalie Chiva > wrote:
>> I bought a bottle of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau this year. So
>> disappointing Every year I find the stuff less and less of a wine I
>> want to drink. I guess it means I drink too much really good wine ;-)
>> Nathalie in Switzerland
>Hey, Nathalie! That's the one I bought, too. I liked it but then I'm a
>heathen. Isn't the nouveau beaujolais supposed to be some sort of
>indicator of the year's production in general? I.e., if the nouveau is
>good, expect the others to be also good.
Never heard anything like that, no.
I used to like Beaujolais nouveau, but I guess I'm spoilt - we (my SO
and I) love wine and have a good cellar....
Nathalie in Switzerland