Beaujolais Noveau. . .
zxcvbob wrote:
> 1) It goes pretty good with roast turkey.
It does indeed. So do some of the Gamay wines, light and fruity.
> 2) It becomes available just in time for Thanksgiving (in the USA, I
> think it's a little late for Candian Thanksgiving.)
It's not my fault that you guys celebrate it a month too late :-)
> 3) It seems appropriate to drink the current year's wine at a feast that
> celebrates the harvest.
That's one way to look at it. It just seems like a lot of money for a something that
is somewhat a novelty wine, and one that has to be consumed soon after purchase.
> I don't know what the big deal is with Beaujolais Noveau in Europe ;;-)
Well, if you consider it apt wine for a celebration harvest, it is their harvest.
It's the soonest they can drink the current year's wine harvest.
I don't dislike Beaujolais, and I have bought some in the past. I just wasn't as
impressed with it as I was with some of the wines that have more shelf life or which
improve with age.