In article >,
Julia Altshuler > wrote:
> We went through this last year at the wine shop where I work, and we're
> doing it again this year. In my boss's opinion, Beaujolais Nouveau is
> the triumph of marketing over common sense. They're good enough light
> wines if you're into that sort of thing but not worth the price.
I compare it to eating raw cookie dough. Someone who is a very good
baker can eat a bit of the raw dough and predict how the cookies will
taste. If they are lacking in salt or some spice, they can be fixed at
that point before they are baked. Someone who doesn't bake much, like
myself, just tries some dough and says, "yuck, why did I do that?". You
don't serve raw cookie dough to your guests after dinner.
Beaujolais Nouveau is wine that isn't ready to drink yet. Someone who
knows a lot about wine can drink a little glass and figure out whether
it will be worth buying once it's ready to drink. They might even
figure out whether the entire vintage is good or not. Somebody like
myself tries a little glass and says, "yuck, why did I do that?".
ObWine: Went to Trader Joe's this morning and bought two bottles of Two
Buck Chuck. Unless my wife complains too much, I figure one will be for
Thanksgiving. They are both red wines. I know that red wine is not
supposed to go with turkey, but we both like red better than white.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California, USA