Julia Altshuler wrote:
> We went through this last year at the wine shop where I work, and we're
> doing it again this year. In my boss's opinion, Beaujolais Nouveau is
> the triumph of marketing over common sense. They're good enough light
> wines if you're into that sort of thing but not worth the price.
Precisely. They are good enough light wines. They're not cellarable
heavyweights and they're not intended to be.
> He
> doesn't like to buy anything that's not either an excellent wine or an
> exceptional bargain meaning that we do carry a good selection of wines
> in the $10 range for everyday meals.
"He" needs to lighten up
> But then the customers come in demanding Beaujolais Nouveau because
> they've heard of it and it is cool. He'd have to get 5 cases of it to
> get a good price, and he knows he can't sell 5 cases. He's glad to
> special order it, but the folks who want Beaujolais Nouveau aren't
> sophisticated enough about wine to special order.
Eh hem? Oh really? And you know this how?
> They want to treat a
> high-end wine shop like Target. We end up doing our best to educate the
> public.
So how does the average lesson go? "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you want a
Beaujolais and that means you don't know enough about wine to
distinguish Burgundy from plonk. What you really want is one of the
"blushes"... perhaps something in a box?"
For the perusal of whoever, regarding this year's BNs: