Thread: New toy part 2
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Default New toy part 2

On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 15:24:58 GMT, "Dimitri" >

>Well after seasoning the side burner this week - "spray" on some oil and cook
>for several hours.
>This Saturday I did a medium sized tri tip - a bit of overkill with the little
>tri-tip and the giant chamber but what the heck.
>I filled a chimney starter and a few minutes later dumped all the coals into the
>I browned the trimmed little devil for a few minutes in the side box on to start
>the cooking process, then transferred the meat to the main chamber, closed both
>lids & opened the vents to heat up the unit. At 225 closed down the vents to
>about 10% dropped 2 chunks about the size of a fist of red oak into the side
>box, and walked away.
>The tri-tip had been sitting in Garlic, Onion, salt, pepper and red wine for
>several hours.
>That was about 3:45 The guests were supposed to be there at 6:00. a little later
>they called to say they were delayed until about 6:30.
>About 6:00 the meat read 135 on an instant read, and the chamber temp was down
>to about 180 or so. Transferred the meat back to the side burner to "finish"
>the browning. When that was done the out it came into a warm oven while the rest
>of the dinner was finished.
>At 7:00 we ate - the tri-tip had a fantastic flavor, the meat was tinged red
>around the outside for about 1/8th of an inch. This was one of the most tender
>tri-tips I have ever cooked. Served with some local Central Coast red Q sauce
>on the side.
>Next experiment - 16 pound turkey.
>It seems that one chimney of charcoal will not get over 225.

In smoking turkey in the old, cheap, Brinkman brand smoker....
I found that the smoke must be started prior to turkey getting even
warm.. It's as if the turkey is "sealed" even after a couple minutes
of cooking temps..
Pan of cheap apple juice over coals , under turkey makes it nice too..
Chuck (in SC)