Beaujolais Nouveau. . .
Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Julia Altshuler > wrote:
<politely snipped>
> ObWine: Went to Trader Joe's this morning and bought two bottles of Two
> Buck Chuck. Unless my wife complains too much, I figure one will be for
> Thanksgiving. They are both red wines. I know that red wine is not
> supposed to go with turkey, but we both like red better than white.
Haven't tried the Beaujolais - to be honest I am just now learning to
like wines other than White zin and *gasp* those fruity ones lol
I do enjoy Chardonnay now - and Merlot if it is on the lighter side...I
am finding that I prefer Australian Wines mostly...although There is a
winery in Williamsburg, VA that makes a really good white *called
Governors White..
anyway lol sorry got off track there -
We are getting a Trader Joes here soon (I think DEC) I can't WAIT to be
able to purchase 2 (or 3) Buck Chuck!!!
Roberta (in VA)