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Nancy Young
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Default "RFC Chat" is fun, but it has no rules about posting anonymously"

"Dan Abel" > wrote

> "nancree" > wrote:
>> Someone has been posting a "new rule" about RFC, that posting
>> anonymously is no longer allowed. I choose not to post anonymously,
>> but no one should be deciding what the rules should be. It is an open
>> forum. No one can appoint themselves Chief Rule-Maker.

> The Cabal has decided that anonymous posting is no longer allowed.
> There is no Cabal.

Well, it's not rfc, it's rfc chat, two different animals. And it's not
as far as I am concerned. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join
chat, all that is being asked is that people just say hi, even. Not just
deathly silence. Whether people agree with that or not, that is all that's
being asked. Just a common courtesy.

It's most likely just one or two people, I don't know why they are doing
this when they've been asked to say something when they show up.

But this has nothing at all to do with any cabal.
