SA Cranberry Lambic: He LIKES it! He LIKES it!
Early last week I picked up the SA Winter Classics or Holiday Sampler
or whatever it's called.
My mom taught all us boys that if we didn't like something, we had to
keep trying it to see if we ever would. So as I harkened back to all
those years I had to wince and try some sweet potato each Thanksgiving
I pulled the Cranberry Lambic first from the sampler pack and cracked
it open. It looked pretty much the same as it always had, sitting in
that Duvel glass.
Aroma is of Ocean-spray cranapple and sweetness, with that lingering
brett-type character ever so slight in the background. Well, I was
prepared to take my medicine this year. The initial sip and no wince!
No fruit punch *** Aunt Jemima muddled mess! There was a slight
tartness from the cranberry juice, the maple flavor blended quite well
with the malt and didn't stick out. I don't think they did but I would
almost swear that this is a different base beer this year. Oh, and I
also love sweet potatoes these days.
Anyway, it's probably just me - but I actually drank both bottles. I
still don't think I would like an entire six pack of this stuff but it
certainly isn't a drain pour.
Now, as for the Holiday Porter which I thought was great last year
seems to have a distracting amount of diacetyl this year...