Ken Blake wrote:
> Roberta wrote:
>>Ken Blake wrote:
>>>Getting back to your bottle, again, how it's been stored is very
>>>important, but my guess is that is that either now or some time over
>>>the next few years would a good time for it.
>>Thank you very much for your opinion
>>after reading the opinions here I think I will try and convince him to
>>try it sometime this holiday season - it hasn't been stored in the
>>best of conditions(he is military and we move alot) we have made a
>>great effort to at least keep it on its side lol
>>thank you again and I will let you know how it turns out
> You're welcome. Glad to help.On its side is important, but storage
> temperature is perhaps even more important.
Unfortunatly I know

When I bought it I had no idea....perhaps
someday I will have a wine fridge "thingy" Until then I will be more
selective about my purchases and not buy those that "require" some aging
to be good
Roberta (in VA)