While frolicking around in rec.food.cooking, Rodney Myrvaagnes of Global
Network Services - Remote Access Mail & News Services said:
>>The package contains uniform, square, thin slices, which consist of 90%
>>meat. The package, of 240 g (about half a pound) is sliced into 6 or 7
>What is the other 10%? I take it this is an industrial product? We get
>venison from a game farm, but it looks like recognizable parts of an
>animal, except for sausages.
The other 10% seems to be sal****er, and yes - it is an industrial
product. It's what I can get around here.
>You could make a sort of Bolognese for some pasta, using oinion,
>tomatoes, garlic, and maybe an herb that would go well with the
>venison flavor, like perhaps sage or thyme.
Can you suggest a good recipe? I found so many recipes when googling
that I had no chance of deciding which would be best for the kind of
meat I've described.
>Since it is already in thin slices, you might consider a layered
>casserole with layers of potato, leeks, and whatever other vegetable
>is handy, between the meat slices.. Maybe some grated cheese on top to
>make a nice crust.
Now *that* could be very interesting. Any idea of approximate
baking-time and temperature?
>A soup can be made from almost anything, starting with a chopped
>onion, some vegetables, starch (potatoes, pasta, a grain). Meat that
>thin doesn't need ot be cooked very long, but raw grain will need 20
>minutes, as will potatoes.
>You could cut the meat in small pieces and fry it in the onion after
>the onion is transparent, then put in grain and liquid, other
I could try that, yes.
>You didn't say what vegetables and other ingredients are readily
>available where you are. That might help.
Vegetables such as green squash, cauliflower, carrots, spinach and
probably some others (funny how it's so hard to think of the things
which are most common and everyday kind of things to you) are extremely
common and easy to get here. I live in Stockholm, in an area with many
immigrants, so it's not *that* hard for me to get different sorts of
Nikitta a.a. #1759 Apatriot(No, not apricot)#18
ICQ# 251532856
Unreferenced footnotes:
"If you are going to take the kooks way out on this
and believe what other kooks tell you, there is
no way to choose between them" - Eric Gill (a.a.)