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Default Stuffing: Are you a fruit person or not?

"Nexis" > wrote in message
> There's so many version of stuffing/dressing out there! Me, I'm very
> traditionalist when it comes to stuffing and dressing. I make mine the same as
> my mom did, and her mom before her, with the only change being that I use both
> white and wheat bread as opposed to all white. Well, I also chop my onion and
> celery a heck of alot more finely than my mom, but there both in there, so
> it's not a huge change. One thing I do *not* like is any fruit in there. No
> raisins, apples, cranberries, nothing. I've never been big on the whole savory
> fruit dish idea.
> Who out there uses fruit in their stuffing? What do you use? Is it out of
> tradition? Or because you really prefer it?
> know...curious
> kimberly

Dried Cranberries & Granny Smith Apples.

I like it. :-)
