"RFC Chat" is fun, but it has no rules about posting anonymously"
Christine Dabney wrote:
>(Glitter Ninja) wrote:
> I don't personally like the mailing list, because that gets to be
> rather exclusive after a bit. And this way, anyone from rfc can join
> in chatting with us. If we use a mailing list, then that limits the
> amount of folks that might come join us, since we would only be
> mailing each other.
I don't think anyone would balk at a monthly post that merely indicates
the chat exists, with contact info... could even be included in the rfc
faq. It's the constant posts containing all kinds of personal info
(that has no business being posted) that is annoying, more than
annoying, it's highly offensive to post personal details... I certainly
wouldn't want it known whether I attended chats, with whom, and
definitely not what is being discussed... I also don't appreciate it
when people post who they email, that's way too indicative of invasion
of privacy... I really don't need to know which of yoose are asshole
buddies and who swaps spit with whom, and if you'll share one person's
email you'll share all. Anyone posts personal details that I've email
them will never receive another email from me, nor will I open
theirs... because if you post details about my email I know with
absolute certainty that you are prone to sharing my email elsewhere.
The difference about posting email vs newsgroup posts should be
patently obvious to all but the imbeciles... posts are archieved in
their entireity including all time/route elements... those absolutely
worthless douche bags who share email *edit to suit*... the person
whose email is disseminated has no way to refute (not that they're
obligated) save possibly physically sharing their hard drive.
Posting/sharing private email is a despicable act, whether publicly
posted or privately forwarded. And it's just as despicable to
post/email any personal details regarding chats, of which there is no
defence, none... if you do it you are a dirtbag. From what I've
garnered here regarding the rfc chat noting is sacred... it's a bad
thing operated by very bad people... anyone attends/participates is
setting themselves up for many stabs in the back... and that is the
*only* real reason the dirtbags need to know that you're there and who
you are, so they can do their dirt of course, that's what chat rooms
are about. duh Yoose newbies, be warned, anything you say in a chat
can and will be shared. Chats, any chats, exist for one thing and one
thing only, knowing your business.
I got anything to say I post it here in the open forum, share and share
alike with all... anything, and I mean anything, posted here is public
property... but here I know it.