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Default Two unknown cooked pu erhs

Thank you Sasha and Mike! Among other sources of information I have to
thank your activity here and elsewhere on the web in finding my way to
pu erh

"Mike Petro" wrote:
>So your choices are to pay someone a premium >who knows puerh and can travel to Kunming or >Guangzhou and buy the tea first hand, or to indeed >learn a little about the wrappers AND their >corresponding tea.

I try to combine both approaches I seem to found a trust-worthy
online source of pu erh (JTS) which I really like while trying to learn
something new including wrappers and basic Chinese.

"Mike Petro" wrote:
>Roy is indeed a knowledgeable vendor whose >judgment I trust. Just remember that you must pay >for that hand-holding.

I don't question Roy's knowledge but I don't consider ITC as a possible
source. I just used the link to their site since they seem to have the
same pu erh as I do.

Thank you again!