Thread: Kenyan tea?
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Scott Dorsey
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Default Kenyan tea?

Frieda > wrote:
>Hello, I come from England, a country where we love tea. We can get a
>variety of teas from around the world as well as herbel and fruit teas.
>However recently I've been unable to get one of my favourite stonger
>flavoured teas, Kenyan.
>Twinings no longer seem to sell it in bags or loose tea leaves.
>Some people say that Assam tastes the same, I disagree. It's nice but
>don't like it as much as Kenyan tea.
>Does anyone know any brands that sell the Kenyan range?

Upton's has several different Kenyan teas, and also a Malawi BOP that
is quite similar to the Kenyan types. I can't believe that you'd have
to order the stuff from here in the US, though. Have you tried Harrod's?

I have never seen a Twining's Kenyan tea here in the US. It does seem
like most of the more interesting Twining's products never make it to
these shores.

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