The final Thanksgiving menu....
It will be a small Thanksgiving here. SO and I will be joined by his
mom and my grad school roommate.
The tentative lineup:
Simon & Garfunkel Dressing
Asparagus (or Brussels sprouts)
Pecan pie
Wine, apple cider, sparkling pear cider
Now for a Thanksgiving story. I was talking to an elderly man at church
on Sunday, and I asked him how he was doing. In all sincerity he
answered, "Near perfect." This came as a bit of a surprise to me, since
his wife of 40+ years had died less than 8 weeks ago and his health is
not optimum. But he was staying positive. In the midst of the chaos
and sorrow, may we all find it inside us to say that we are also "near
Happy Thanksgiving!
C.J. Fuller
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