"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> "Bob Terwilliger" > looking for trouble
> wrote in :
> > I'm taking a break from cooking to dash off this quick note. Here's
> > what I'm making:
> >
> > Deviled Eggs
> > Parmesan Crisps
> >
> > Creamy Chestnut-Arugula Soup
> >
> > Hot Melon Salad on Field Greens
> >
> > Goose Breast with Blackberry Sauce
> > Thyme Popovers
> >
> > Green Beans with Butter, Lemon, and Bacon
> > Parsnip-Potato Purée
> >
> > Spicy Sweet-Potato Pie (contains habañero peppers)
> > Pandora's Black Pear Tart with Gran Marnier Zabaglione
> > Trio of Ice Creams: Vanilla, Maple, and Butter-Pecan
> > Whipped Cream
> >
> >
> > I'm done with the desserts, the pre-meal munchies, the green beans,
> > and the soup. (I particularly like the soup. It's lucky to have
> > survived the night.) The field greens are ready to go, but the melon
> > part of the salad is a stir-fry, so I'm not going to make it until
> > just before it's time to eat. The popovers likewise should be eaten
> > almost as soon as they come out of the oven, and the potato-parsnip
> > purée gets kind of waxy if you make it too far ahead. The goose will
> > only need another twenty minutes or so, and that will be on the
> > stovetop (and it's too early to do that). Thus, I have time to write
> > this message and tell you all that it's great to be me! :-þ
> >
> > Bob
> That soup sounds like was fantastic. Your whole menu sounds great. I'm
> a big goose fan. I made one a long time ago and it was, well, terrible. I
> may have to do a duck for Xmas at mother's. She can't cook, not that I
> can. Mom is having the usual standing rib roast and I assume all the
> I'm taking the fixings for my cranberry relish which no one eats. I think
> fat mallard will suit. Just might have to find one on my travels over the
> month. I'll probably be too sore to cook by then
I'll be spending
> of the month at a friend's house. She has a big horse farm. I'll either
> get kicked, bitten or fall. All three might happen. I am really looking
> forward to it
Oh, I'll still be posting the whole time. My headers may
> look differently but it'll still be me. I can just see the RFC eyes
> rolling LOL
> Michael
> --
You disappeared for about 6 weeks during the summer to the horse farm,
didn't you? I rememer that!