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Default Slice, serve, lick thumb, slice, serve...

One time on Usenet, "-L." > said:


> Nothing will turn me off faster from a grocery store than the smell of
> stinking blood in the meat bins, soured milk in the dairy section or
> the nasty smell of spoiling fish. Ick. The ones that get my repeat
> business are the stores where the dairy and meat bins are clean and
> smell clean. Unfortunately this takes a little more work and some
> stores simply don't care.

I agree! The closest stupidmarket to my home is just as you described.
We rarely shop there and never for raw foods.

> Another thing I do...When picking mushrooms from the produce bins by
> hand is I take a plastic bag, turn it inside out and use it as a glove.

I do that with meat, never thought about mushrooms.

> If anyone thinks this is foolish, smell your hands after you have dug
> through the mushroom bin. You will be subjected to the lovely odor of
> horse shit.

But it's sterile horse shit... ;-)

Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~